"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"
Matthew 19:14
Blake Cazier, the sweet, blue-eyed little boy with the most precious smile and contagious laugh, stole the hearts of many.
Blake was born on December, 23, 2014. A few days after his first birthday, he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Blake immediately started treatment and ultimately went into remission.
Unfortunately, the cancer returned twice during his treatment, prompting a bone marrow transplant for little Blake in September 2016. Afterwards, he was cancer-free.
Three short months later, Blake's cancer returned once again. His parents, desperate for a solution, chose to partake in a trial medication. He was flown across the country with his family for one last attempt to save his life. Sadly, the treatment failed and Blake passed away on March, 7, 2017.
During Blake’s treatment his mother, Jaclyn, started a Facebook page to chronicle his journey and update family and friends. Thousands of people across the world started to follow Blake’s story. People were drawn to his journey and he quickly captured the hearts of over 100,000 followers.
To carry on Blake’s legacy and to honor his memory, his parents started a foundation with a mission of helping other children facing similar battles.

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GreatLife Golf
913 SE 29th Street
Topeka, KS 66605